Water utility company Porvoon vesi will invest in two nutrient reduction projects to compensate for its discharges to the Gulf of Finland. The company will finance gypsum treatment covering a total of 70 hectares of agricultural land with the objective of improving the state of the River Porvoonjoki and the sea in the coastal areas of Porvoo. A second project deals with improving wastewater treatment in Vitebsk in Belarus.

Both projects are considered very cost-effective in comparison with measures that can be taken at the wastewater treatment plant of Porvoon vesi.

Thanks to the support from Porvoon vesi, there will be a reduction of a total of 970 kg of phosphorus, which is equivalent to the annual load from the company’s Hermanninsaari wastewater treatment plant into the Baltic Sea. Porvoon vesi neutralizes its nutrient footprint now for the second time as the company was a forerunner in using the Nutribute crowdfunding platform already in 2017.

See the press release https://www.johnnurmisensaatio.fi/en/porvoon-vesi-tukemaan-peltojen-kipsikasittelya-porvoonjoen-alueella/



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